Hi. Do you need a web presence? A place where customers can find you? A site where you don't need to spend time updating? Well, stay tuned and see what NCAweb.net can do for you.
NCAweb.net creates affordable custom web sites designed to fit all types of screens. We do this by building the web site before you. First we set up the backend to house all online needs. Second, we will create your custom page, and lastly, keep your site running. All this, for a one-time design investment and annual maintenance fee. The process of building your custom site is straightforward. We start by setting up your Web Host and acquiring a domain name. You supply the artwork, photos, video, text. Then we put it all together in a nice looking and functional web site.
First off, we will host your site for no charge during the first year. Get your email account personalized for your domain, so you don't need one of the "big" companies, which means "No ads". You will use your email on your mobile devices as well.
Contact Us to get your web site running.